Collection des Costumes Militaires, Armée Francaise 1832,
Paris: Chez Dero-Becker, 1840. Item #05603
The Military Costumes of France
Forty-Two Superb Hand Colored Lithographs by Victor Adam
ADAM, Victor. Collection des Costumes Militaires, Armée Francaise 1832, Représentés dans des Sujets de Genre. Lithographie par V. Adam. Paris: Chez Dero-Becker, [ca. 1840].
First edition. Oblong folio (10 7/8 x 14 1/4 inches; 278 x 362 mm.). Forty-two superb hand colored lithograph plates, all heightened with gum arabic.
Bound by the Atelier Bindery for Charles Scribners Sons in three-quarter red morocco over red cloth boards. Spine with five raised bands lettered in gilt in second compartment, marbled endpapers. Original pictorial lithograph wrapper on front paste-down.
A fine complete copy of Adam's military costumes of France, with superb original hand-coloring. This rare French work on military costume was issued without text, save for a wrapper title, a portion of which appears with this copy mounted to the front pastedown. The composition of the subjects is superb, but the chief glory of the work is its exceptionally beautiful hand-coloring. Colas describes the work, which should contain 42 plates as "Tres rare complet".
OCLC & KVK locate just four complete copies in libraries and institutions worldwide: Brown University (RI, US); Union Catalogue of Belgian Libraries; Austrian National Library; Universitats- und Landesbibliothek Darm (Germany).
The Plates:
1. Garde Nationale.
National Guard.
2. Dragons.
3. Marechal de Camp.
Camp Marechal.
4. Hussards.
5. Lanciers. (Cavalerie de la ligne).
Lancers. (Line cavalry).
6. Artillerie de la la Ligne.
Artillery of the Line.
7. Carabiniers.
8. Lanciers, 1er régiment.
Lancers, 1st regiment.
9. Corps Municipal de la Ville de Paris. Garde á cheval, grande tenue, petite tenue et tenue d’ecurie, Garde á pieds, grande tenue.
Municipal body of the City of Paris. Horse guard, full dress, light dress and stable outfit, Foot guard, full dress.
10. Infanterie de Ligne. Grenadier, Voltigeur, Soldat du Centre.
Line Infantry. Grenadier, Voltigeur, Soldier of the Center.
11. Infantrie, Officiers.
Infantry, officers.
12. Artillerie a Pied. Grande tenue.
Foot Artillery. Great outfit.
13. Cuirassiers. Cavalerie de réserve.
Cuirassiers. Reserve cavalry.
14. Chasseurs.
15. Garde Nationale de Paris. Sapeur. Voltigeur. Chasseur. Musicien et Tambour-Major.
Paris National Guard. Sapper. Voltigeur. Hunter. Musician and Drum Major.
16. Gendarmes des Départemens. Grande et petite tenue.
Departmental Gendarmes. Big and small outfit.
17. Sapeurs-Pompiers, de la Ville de Paris. Grande et petite tenue.
Firefighters, of the City of Paris. Big and small outfit.
18. Train des Equipages.
Crew Train.
19. Infanterie Legère.
Light Infantry.
20. Marins.
21. Dragons, Officiers et Trompette.
Dragoons, Officers and Trumpet.
22. Gendarmes a Pied des Départemens.
Departmental Foot Police.
23. Officiers de Hussards.
Hussar officers.
24. Chirurgiens de l’Armèe.
Army surgeons.
25. État Major de la Garde Nationale.
General Staff of the National Guard.
26. Sapeurs du Génie, Officiers et Soldat. Grande et petite tenue.
Engineers, Officers and Soldiers. Big and small outfit.
27. Infanterie Légére.
Light Infantry.
28. Officiers d’Artillerie, Grande et petite tenue.
Artillery officers, full and small uniform.
29. Officier Supérieur de Chasseurs, Trompette et Soldat.
Senior Officer of Hunters, Trumpet and Soldier.
30. Général de Division.
Division general.
31. Carabiniers. Grande et petite tenue.
Carabineros. Big and small outfit.
32. Vétérans et Officiers d’Invalides.
Veterans and Disabled Officers.
33. Cuirassiers. Cavalerie de Reserve.
Cuirassiers. Reserve Cavalry.
34. Ecoles de Cavalerie, St. Cyr et Polytechnique.
Cavalry Schools, St. Cyr and Polytechnique.
35. Régiments des Zoabes. (Armées Français d’Affrique 1832).
Zoabe regiments. (French Armies of Africa 1832).
36. Lanciers et Chasseurs. (Armées Françaises d’Affrique 1832).
Lancers and Hunters. (French Armies of Africa 1832).
37. Artillerie Légère.
Light Artillery.
38. Garde Municipale. Officier Garde à cheval, Capitaine Garde à pied, petite tenue.
Municipal Guard. Horse Guard Officer, Foot Guard Captain, small uniform.
39. Hussards en Campagne.
Hussars in the Campaign.
40. Garde Natle. et Pompier de la Banlieue.
National Guard and Suburban Firefighter.
41. Intendant Militaire.
Military Intendant.
42. Officiers de Marine.
Naval officers.
Bobins IV, 1204; Colas, 34; Hiler, p. 6; Not in Lipperheide; Vinet 2259 (36 plates only).
Price: $7,500.00